Mirzapur EX Cadet Association Australia’s new committee formed

1 min read

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Mirzapur Ex Cadet Association Australia (Meca Australia) was held on February 28 (Wednesday). At the AGM a new committee was proposed and approved as per the constitution.

The main objective of the new committee is to take necessary steps that are more valuable in consonance with the general policies and activities of the organization and the proposed objectives of the organization.

The members of this new committee are encouraged to work together with different skills and experiences in the organization. List of New Committee Members: President: Ahmed Taha Fidah Yazdani, Batch 3 (’72), Cadet No. 115 General Secretary: Ehsan Ahmed, Batch 20 (’88), Cadet No. 1087 Treasurer: Shafayet Karim, Batch 32(’00), Cadet No. 1723 Organizing Secretary: AKM Ahsanur Rahman, Batch 31(’99), Cadet No. 1704 State Executive (ACT) Omar Rahman, Batch 23(’91), Cadet No. 1259 State Executive (WA) Anisur Rahman, Batch 9 (’77), Cadet No. 562 State Executive (QLD) Fahid Hasem, Batch 26(’94), Cadet No. 1424 State Executive (VIC) Shafiq Sobhan, Batch 28(’96), Cadet No. 1507.

For any query or information, email: meca.aus@gmail.com or +61423301537.

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